EZ-FRISK is a software package developed by Fugro USA Land, Inc. (originally Risk Engineering, Inc.). It not only has the capability to perform a Seismic Hazard Assessment but can also include a Spectral Matching module and a Site Response Analysis module if needed for a specific project. EZ-FRISK can perform both Probabilistic and Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessments (DSHA) and accounts for both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.
EZ-FRISK has a database of seismic sources and prominently used ground motion models but also has tools for the user to define their own ground motion models as well as their own seismic sources.
The results for EZ-FRISK’s probabilistic calculations are annual frequencies of exceedance of various ground motion levels at the site of interest. The program can also deaggregate the hazard by calculating the mean and distributions of distance, magnitude, and epsilon causing exceedance of a specified ground motion (Fugro Consultants Inc., 2015).
EZ-FRISK requires a licenced subscription and runs on Windows XP or more recent Microsoft operating systems.


OpenQuake is a software package developed by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM). It has the capability to perform a Classical Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, an Event-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment and a Scenario Based Seismic Hazard Assessment (i.e. Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment), and accounts for both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty.
The user has access to the OpenQuake database of ground motion models as well as different seismic hazard models from around the world but is also provided with the tools to create and maintain their own database.
The results for OpenQuake’s classical probabilistic calculations are probabilities of exceedance for all intensity measure levels specified, this includes both hazard curves and hazard maps if selected. The program also calculates deaggregation with the user having the option of performing it by directly specifying the probability of exceedance or the intensity measure level (GEM, 2018).
OpenQuake also includes a risk module in its software; this includes an open-source suite of tools for seismic risk assessment and loss estimation. The risk component can compute both scenario-based and probabilistic seismic damage and risk (GEM, 2018).
OpenQuake is freely available on a public web-based repository and can be installed on computers running Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems.


There is too much software for seismic hazard analysis. But way we suggest the Ez-Frisk to our customers. Below, a comparison is made between some powerful software.  Apart from the obvious differences in terminology and the way each program is set out, there are a number of differences between the two programs. Table below, describes some of the functionalities of the software packages. Allen et al (2017) found that when they compared OpenQuake to the Canadian GSCFRISK software, the method used in OpenQuake for ‘floating ruptures’ increased the hazard in some cases if uncertainty was not accounted for.


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